
My childhood was a blur of creation & vivid imagination; from it began a love of anything and everything I could make with my own two hands.

Just before my own wedding, I bought a pointed pen and a pot of ink for the craft shop down the road, in the hopes of tarting up my wedding invites. Little did I know I’d get totally hooked. I wrote out everything in calligraphy - shopping lists, letters, song lyrics, birthday cards - I made a ton of horrible, scribbly mistakes, and I kept going, and going, until naturally I found my own style, which continues to evolve all the time.

In my spare time, (which is few & far between as I have two super cute and demanding humans to care for) I like to go on dates with my husband, eat, (hello, cheese platter) workout, grow veggies in my garden and hug my kids.

That’s me! (Well tbh, there’s a lot more to me but we’ll be here all day so lets leave it at that.)

Thanks for being here and I hope you like what you see!

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